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Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

03. 05, 22

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

1. Two professional online webinars held to provide comprehensive clinical applications using CHISON XBit 90 have attracted a lot of attention.

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

2. CHISON’s intelligent ultrasound CBit Series and QBit Series were displayed at Cardiovascular Congress in Czech.

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

3. CHISON’s new product workshop of XBit 90 and SonoEye in Europe.

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

4.  Physiotherapy training meeting in Brazil.

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

5. The first aid training was organized by the ultrasound education foundation. They aim to train young doctors and students on how ultrasound can be used in their daily work. 

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

6. VET training workshop/Physiotherapy Congress in Poland

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

7. A 2-day training in Physiotherapy by Miro Health Academy in the west part of Poland.

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

8. CHISON attended Cardio Egypt Conference

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

9. CHISON attended OBS/GYN Society Conference in Egypt

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

10. 2 days Medical Rescuer Olympic Games. Over 10 ambulances competed who will rescue people live faster. In 2 ambulances SonoEye helps in ALS procedure and a proper diagnosis

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

11. As a part of medical backup in the Beijing Winter Olympics, CHISON SonoEye was committed to protecting the safety and health of all athletes in the whole process.

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

12. A vascular access workshop held by CHISON in Zhejiang Blood Purification Standard Center (BPSC).

Monthly Highlights丨CHISON in February

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